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Grading Policy 

The purpose of the school-wide grading policy is to create consistency across classes and to reinforce our school-wide values.  The values represented in the grading policy are as follows:


  • Academic factors are weighted more heavily than non-academic factors

  • Grades are used to measure and reflect what students know and can do

  • Performance-based assessments (ie unit projects and mini-PBATs) are a better measure of student progress than high-stakes tests

  • Teachers measure student understanding on an ongoing basis, not simply at the end of the unit

  • Non-academic factors, such as work habits and citizenship, play a role in students’ success


The school-wide grading policy is as follows:


  • Summative Assessments: Projects/Tests/Quizzes/Mini-PBATs (35%-50%)

  • Formative assessments: Classwork (Do Now, Notes, Discussion, Exit slips), Notebook checks (35-50%)

  • Work habits: Homework, preparedness (5-15%)

  • Citizenship: Collaboration and participation (10-20%)

Specific percentages, within the ranges above, are determined by each grade team.


The school-wide advisory grading policy is as follows:


  • Circles: Participation, active listening, following directions (20-30%)

  • Citizenship: Participation in team building activities, trips, assessments, and homeroom (20-30%)

  • Academic Check-ins: Engagement and participation in weekly check-ins (20-30%)

  • Grade-specific category (20-30%)

    • 9th grade: Peer Health

    • 10th grade: My Future PBAT

    • 11th grade: College Process

    • 12th grade: College Process

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