Landmark High School strives to present students with diverse, rigorous learning. Below please see summaries of department mission statements
All students must complete four Performance Based Assessment Tasks (PBATs) -- one each in English, Social Studies, Math, and Science -- in order to graduate from Landmark High School, as per the requirements of the New York Consortium. For more information on the Consortium, please visit their website:
Each PBAT is a rich task, where students need to demonstrate not just mastery of the specific content, but also proficiency in reading complex texts, research skills, and critical thinking.

The purpose of the school-wide grading policy is to create consistency across classes and to reinforce our school-wide values. The values represented in the grading policy are as follows:
Math at Landmark focuses on culturally responsive-sustaining education (CR-SE) coupled with rigorous standards-based instruction. Our curriculum is project-driven to ensure students have experiences working on longer projects to prepare for their graduation math PBAT.
Our department strongly believes that everyone has a mathematical identity and we foster this identity through promoting student agency and student-choice based on their interests.

Students are naturally inquisitive and have many questions about the world around them. Our job as science teachers is to teach students the tools and skills necessary to seek answers to these questions. To prep our students to be future investigators and innovators, our students will learn:

Foreign Languages
A member of AP for All, Landmark offers AP classes in grades 10-12. 2024-25 offerings will include AP Biology, AP Literature, AP Seminar, and AP US History.
Landmark offers College Now classes at Landmark and on College campuses. Landmark students can take College Now classes starting in 10th grade, and can graduate with up to 15 college credits.

Early College and AP Courses
A member of AP for All, Landmark offers AP classes in grades 10-12. 2024-25 offerings will include AP Biology, AP Literature, AP Seminar, and AP US History.
Landmark offers College Now classes at Landmark and on College campuses. Landmark students can take College Now classes starting in 10th grade, and can graduate with up to 15 college credits.

Physical Education
Health and physical education are centra l to students' well-being.
Landmark students complete two semester-long health classes: a cooking and nutrition class and a health topics class.
Our physical education classes take advantage of our building's gyms, fitness and weight machines and yoga studios, as well as the outdoors. Students have options to take dance and yoga classes, and to participate on our campus PSAL teams.

Restorative Justice
Landmark High School is committed to creating a safe environment for students and staff using Restorative Practices. Aligned with a vision for racial equity, we believe that discipline policies that rely on punitive practices lead to disproportionate outcomes for Black and Lantinx students. We use community building strategies to create a culture of accountability and safety using the restorative practices.